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  3. Máquina de corte de cuchilla
  4. JJ-TEST Chengde Jinjian Testing Instrument Co.,Ltd

Máquina de corte de cuchilla XBM-I
para material plásticode filmde film de plástico

máquina de corte de cuchilla
máquina de corte de cuchilla
máquina de corte de cuchilla
máquina de corte de cuchilla
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de cuchilla
Material tratado
para material plástico, de film
Otras características
de film de plástico


XBM-I Plastic Film Cutting Machine Overview It is mainly used to make strips of bidirectional tensile film(BOPP、BOPC、BOPET、BOPA), unidirectional tensile film and composite membrane. Standard GB/T1040.3-2006, ISO527-3:1995 and the equivalent. Main characteristic 1.Stable clamp of specimen, easy cutting knife replacement; 2.Simply & safe operation; 3.May make several strips with multilayer and multi-type at a time; 4.May make maximum 7 strips with four types at a time, including one strip with a width of 10mm, four strips with a width of 15mm, one strip with a width of 20mm and one strip with a width of 25mm. 5.Compared with punching method, it has advantages of fine cutting edge without any defect observed at a 20 times magnification ratio, the fine prepared strips can ensure the perfect mechanical property of film; 6.The tensile strength and elongation values are of high accuracy and good uniformity.



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